A Gen Z-led podcast where I, Raven Heyward, speak with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) leaders about representation for women of color. My mission is to provide exposure for young girls, develop mentorship opportunities, and brainstorm solutions to further increase equity for this demographic of society.
EP 39: A Journey with Dr. Latricia Frederick
Season 4
Episode 2
Listen as Raven Heyward, founder and host of DiversifyHER, converses with Dr. LaTricia “LT” Frederick. She is a dynamic speaker, passionate field researcher and certified professional coach who has spent more than 20 years enabling and empowering corporate leaders to successfully climb the ranks, develop highly productive, engaging teams and transform organizations. She currently serves as the Head of the Executive Talent Solutions group at Cisco Systems, Inc. where she leads a global team focused on the development and acceleration of executive talent and organizational growth initiatives.
Connect with Dr.LT
LinkedIn: LaTricia (LT) Frederick